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Ethical Management

Making a clean and trusted company
together with customers

Understanding ethical management

SR will keep in mind that securing a fair and transparent relationship with all stakeholders including shareholders, customers, etc. through ethical management will ultimately lead to corporate value enhancement and sustainable growth. We will do our best to be an exemplary company of ethical management.

We will implement ethical management at a higher level by practicing ethical management as a corporate culture through implementing employee education programs and promoting a differentiated practice system tailored to the characteristics of the company.

Three elements of ethics

최고경영자(CEO)추진의지 + 실천시스템(conducting system) + 기업문화(corporate culture) = 기업가치제고+지속가능성장 최고경영자(CEO)추진의지 + 실천시스템(conducting system) + 기업문화(corporate culture) = 기업가치제고+지속가능성장

Three elements of ethical management practice system

  • 윤리규범제정code
  • 운영을 위한 조직,제도 compliance
  • 교육을 통한 공감대 형성 consensus